Short and interactive videos for various subjects and topics
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Practice with exams from previous years that will be graded instantly. Check answers and solution steps.
Payment plans for every budget
Learn at your own pace with a guided path directly mapped to your curriculum that includes videos, exercises, quizzes and midterms.
24 x 7 access on your smart phone or tablet
Know when your child has completed a lesson, finished an exam or watched a specific video
Know the areas where your child needs help and get smart recommendations
Keep track of children’s subscriptions and course progress
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Our tutors are carefully selected and they go through rigorous testing. They follow “learning through feedback” to ensure students understand the subject matter
Our platform provides a comprehensive learning experience that allows you to select the most appropriate method that suits your leaning style. Select from a full learning path, private tutoring sessions, short videos, exercises or previous exams.
We are constantly adding videos and plan to cover all grades very soon. Check our app regularly for updates
We take meticulous care to conduct curricula analysis for various grades based on a professional committees that consists of Subject Matter Experts, Instructional designers and more before a video is produced. Consequently, our tutors go through a stringent proficiency testing phase before they get selected into our system